I cannot find the Cancel button

  • Updated

If you don't see the cancellation button in your account, please note that it may take +- 24 hours for data to sync. You can see the message Your subscription information is updated every few hours. So, if you want to cancel the subscription - please wait up to 24 hours, after which the Cancel button will appear.  


To cancel the subscription, follow these steps: 

1. Click on this link (or visit our website and follow this path: Top-right menu → My account → My Subscription). 

2. Enter the registered email associated with your account and press Continue: 

After logging in, you will see information about your current subscription. Click on Cancel renewal, and then select the reason for cancellation. 

Screenshot at Jun 19 11-12-49.png

If your subscription has already been cancelled, you will see the message No active subscriptions in your account. Please note that you will still have access to all your subscription features for the remaining time of your current period. 

Please note: to avoid the next charge, you should cancel your subscription at least 24 hours before the end of the free trial or the current subscription period. 

Also, remember that deleting the app does not cancel your subscription. Subscription fees will apply automatically regardless of whether or not you use your subscription.

If you have previously been offered a subscription freeze, please read this article. 

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